Next Generation Learning Group
Next Generation Learning Groups are designed for owners' sons and daughters already working in the business. We group 7-10 people from non-competing businesses together for a three-year commitment. The groups meet twice per year, usually at the CSA headquarters.
Each two-day meeting is composed of three segments: Learning something about yourself, learn something from your peers, and learn something from an expert.
This program presumes that participants know and understand the lumber business. Instead, the program focuses on other areas that are not typically learned on the job but are critical to the success of the business. These include understanding relationships between family members and employees, finance and fraud detection, strategy, inherent family business difficulties, and leadership. There is ample time during the program to create relationships with others in similar situations, and that often proves to be the most valuable element.
After the three-year commitment, the group may choose to remain together and continue meeting, though the format of those meetings may change.
Interested in learning more?
For more information, please contact:
Jim Moody
(678) 674-1860